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Welcome to Tradition, the quarterly magazine devoted entirely to custom and tradition. In each issue, we are peeling back the layers of modern society to reveal some of the ancient traditions lying just beneath the surface.

Whether it's accounts of living events such as the numerous English Mayday ceremonies, British superstitions, music, song, dance, story telling, folk medicine, crafts such as thatching and blacksmithing, costume or the wealth of myth and legend in which this nation is steeped; and ocassionally rituals and traditions which have travelled overseas and have become part of the local culture or returned to Britain in a different format , , you'll find it all in the pages of Tradition.

Just a minute, isn't this all simply a nostalgia kick, a wistful looking back to good old days that probably weren't so good anyway? We like to think there's more to it than that; though from time to time we'll be taking a look at those aspects of our heritage that have been so hurriedly abandoned in recent years and saying: "perhaps it might have been a good idea if we'd hung on to this one."

However, we don't believe that something as precious as a national culture should be allowed to wither away in a museum environment. If traditional ways are to thrive, they must be allowed to live a life of their own and be given the greatest possible exposure. We also believe that change shouldn't be resisted too firmly - look at how the English language itself, a most precious part of our heritage, is constantly evolving. We also believe that new traditions should be recognised and given due accord; after all, they all had to start somewhere.

The opinions expressed by the contributors to Tradition are not necessarily those held by the editors. Whilst contributions are welcomed, the safekeeping of unsolicited material cannot be guaranteed. Material is accepted for Tradition on the understanding that it does not infringe any copyright or libel laws. Serial rights to be declared on submission. Unfortunately payment for articles is not possible at the moment but hopefully this will be remedied in future editions.

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If you would like to contribute to the magazine please contact Paul Salmon
9 Burwash, Witnesham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP6 9EL, UK

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